From the editor’s desk

Hello readers,

I’m the new editor-in-chief of the Marlin Chronicle for the spring semester.

We’re continuing our practice of sometimes putting an article online only, at, as we try to keep you up-to-date on breaking news – or because there just wasn’t room in our print edition for all of our stories. We’re also continuing the Sunday Read, posted on our website every Sunday (click on the Tumblr icon – it’s a lowercase “t”). This is a space where our editorial staff (a different member each week) can write about what’s on their minds.

One of my major goals for the newspaper this semester is participation. If you want to make your voice heard on some topic, consider writing a “letter to the editor” for publication. If you have story ideas or feedback on published pieces, please let us know.

Moreover, if you’re interested in being a part of the Marlin Chronicle, contact us! You do not have to be a major or minor in journalism or communication. We always welcome writers, of course, but we also have room for other skill sets. You could take photos, help design pages with InDesign software, contact local businesses to sell ad space, do illustrations, or post online and social media content.

Whether you want to contribute or just keep reading, please know that this is your paper, and we value your involvement.

Sarah Antozzi