Tutors of all disciplines wait, hope to assist in the Learning Center

Featured Image: Senior Kayla Bissette, a writing tutor, waits for her next tutoring appountment in the Learning Center on the second floor of Clarke Hall. Nancy Reckhemer | Courtesy

The Learning Center and Writing Studio’s services are woefully underutilized by Virginia Wesleyan University students. 

Monday through Friday, over twenty student tutors are available for both scheduled and walk-in tutoring sessions every week, yet, the majority of tutors see very few, if any, students over the course of each week, despite how effective they are at furthering students’ understanding of their courses’ curriculums. 

The college experience provides ample opportunities to develop a crucial skill: acknowledging what you don’t know and what you need help with. 

Don’t wait until the day before an assignment is due or an exam is scheduled to ask for help—be proactive! The more time you give yourself and the tutor, the more time you have to work through any struggles you might have.

 Writing tutoring, especially, is most beneficial over the course of multiple appointments. Every writing tutor—myself included—is prepared to help with each step of the writing process, from brainstorming, to drafting, to revision. However, we cannot help you with each step in a single thirty-to-sixty minute session. By breaking up your writing assignments with regular appointments with a tutor, you can receive helpful feedback before proceeding with the next step.

Tutors are more than happy to help anyone who asks for it, and scheduling an appointment is incredibly easy! You can sign up online at https://vwc.mywconline.com, or you can come to the Learning Center, located on the second floor of Clarke Hall, and one of the front desk assistants will assist you.

Kayla Bissette is a senior Theatre and English double major. She loves to assist her peers as a tutor in the Writing Center. She can be reached at knbissette@vwu.edu.

By Kayla Bissette