Marlins feel the ‘Bern’ March 12, 2020 Bernie Sanders shares vision at campus rally. Vermont Senator and Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders held a political rally on Virginia Wesleyan’s campus on Saturday,…
Off-campus housing could solve VWU housing issues March 12, 2020 New off-campus living options excite students and look to alleviate overflow housing circumstances. On March 2, Residence Life made the announcement that they will…
Campus network update March 12, 2020 For months now, Virginia Wesleyan University has been dealing with network issues related to the gray hat cyber attack back in December. Since the…
Coronavirus global impact grows February 27, 2020 The coronavirus continues to spread, with many now seeing notable effects in the United States and the global economy at large. The coronavirus, a…
Warm winter trends observed worldwide February 27, 2020 While many enjoy the unusually warm February temperatures, for others, the global rise in temperature is cause for concern. This current winter season is…
Community grieves university leaders February 27, 2020 The Virginia Wesleyan campus and community mourn the loss of Frank Blocker Jr. and Dr. Mort Gamble. At the end of January, the VWU…
Annual symposium rekindles appreciation for the liberal arts February 27, 2020 Virginia Wesleyan University is a thriving Liberal Arts college within itself and to show Virginia Wesleyan had a series of programs and speakers. From…
Ethics team wins championship February 13, 2020 The Virginia Wesleyan ethics bowl team captured the 2020 Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges (VFIC) championship. The team has not obtained this feat since…
Methodist Church divided February 13, 2020 While Virginia Wesleyan is a Methodist-affiliated university, the school aims to provide an environment that is accepting of all people by embracing the diversity…
Norfolk Zoo aids Australia February 13, 2020 “Australia is being ravaged by the worst wildfires seen in decades, with large swaths of the country devastated since the fire season began in…