iPhone new and improved? October 3, 2013 GLENN ROSE Staff Writer Time to decide if the new iPhone is worth the money The iPhone 5s’ new phrase is “Forward Thinking,” but…
Passion for art October 3, 2013 KELLY MARVEL Staff Writer Have you met Rachael Mays? She is a junior at VWC who loves chocolate, cheesy romantic comedies, long walks on…
Are video games a sport? October 3, 2013 ANDREW MULLEN Arts & Entertainment Editor The question of whether or not video games are a sport has been surrounding the gaming community for…
Magical blast to the ‘Potter’ past October 3, 2013 EMILY GIBSON Staff Writer J.K Rowling announces plans to expand the wizarding world in new film. “Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet…
Create something beautiful September 23, 2013 ANDREW MULLEN Arts & Entertainment Editor Virginia Wesleyan has an art magazine, and it needs you! Is your brain currently moving at two hundred…
Twerk Miley, twerk September 23, 2013 EMILY GIBSON Staff Writer The media can be seen as a buffet of expectations, stereotypes, morals and hypocrisy where people are allowed to pick…
“The Walking Dead” rise again this fall September 23, 2013 GLENN ROSE Staff Writer We all like to talk about what we would do if the zombie apocalypse happened. It is fun to think…
‘Les Miserables’ opens at the Chrysler Tuesday April 22, 2013 Rachel Balsley Editor-in-Chief Even if you hadn’t heard of Les Miserables before it was turned into a hit movie, you probably have now that…
‘Suddenly Last Summer’ this spring April 18, 2013 Rachel Balsley Editor-in-Chief When you walk into the theatre to see the spring production of “Suddenly Last Summer,” you will not be greeted by…