Did you know about these degrees?

Wesleyan has many degree options to represent the wide variety of interests students hold. If the Sustainability Management degree caught your attention, but isn’t quite right for your academic career, check out these other great offerings below.

History and Social Science: A degree in History and Social Science prepares students to teach history or social studies at a secondary level. It emphasizes historical interpretation. In  addition to history, areas of study include government, civics, international studies, economic and geography

Comprehensive Liberal Studies: The Comprehensive Liberal Studies degree, also known as CLS, offers students the opportunity to design their  own unique individual program of study. This degree reflects the flexible and interdisciplinary nature of a liberal arts institution by encouraging students to  follow their academic interests through VWU’s three schools.

German Studies: Germany is often considered the “economic backbone of Europe,” and as such continues to impact the European culture. A degree in German Studies, as the name suggests, explores the culture of Germany and other German-speaking countries.

Individualized Degree: What are you really passionate about? If it’s a well-defined area of interest or a problem that Wesleyan doesn’t address in its list of major and course offerings, students can develop an individualized major. According to the course catalog, this type of study requires “considerable initiative and imagination.”

Sociology: A degree in Sociology gives students the ability to understand the social and cultural makeup of human behavior. Students will analyze real-life occurances and be provided with intellectual resources.

Mickella Rast