SGA happenings this quarter

Senior Send-off: Seniors will have the chance to attend evening events at ShoreBreak and Funny Bone comedy club. SGA partnered with the Center for Advancement to provide the events.

SGA Elections: Students will have a chance to join the SGA. Sign-ups start April 8 and run for two weeks. Voting will run on Blackboard April 24-28. The new officers will be announced May 4, and will meet on May 5 for the last meeting of the year.

The proposed SGA and Student Finance Committee (SFC) merger was approved and will take effect Fall 2017.

Proposed revisions to the SGA constitution were approved. Among the revisions are the addition of a judicial review aspect, downsizing the executive board from nine to five students and breaking up the 16 senators into more specific roles: presidents, vice presidents, fundraising/event officers and finance officers.

Students have communicated concerns regarding bathroom cleanliness and cleaning staff behavior to the SGA. SGA President Nich Hipple met with Student Affairs to discuss the issues.

Students are encouraged to contact SGA president Nich Hipple for more info

Mickella Rast