New director of student activities April 23, 2014 Aoife Branco News Editor After the abrupt departure of Jenn Mitchell from the college, more than 62 faculty, staff and students interviewed the potential…
@AdultConfession757 ruffles a few feathers April 23, 2014 Aoife Branco News Editor “OMG you are so right. That b**** got no life #forrealdoe,” says one post. “ __ is so attractive. I…
New century, new military March 12, 2014 JESSICA MACKEY News Editor Everyone remembers the Uncle Sam campaign posters of World War I and II; however, the United States is moving away…
Changes to Village II March 12, 2014 EMMA SOROHAN Staff Writer Say goodbye to an outdated room with few uses and say hello to a newly modified, multi-purpose configuration. As 2014…
Virginity takes on a new meaning March 12, 2014 MOLLY FANNEY Staff Writer Four women arrested in the early months of 2014 for participating in anti-military protests in Egypt have come forward saying…
Registering guests online February 26, 2014 EMMA SOROHAN Staff Writer Beep, beep, beep is the noise some students report hearing when calling the security gate to register guests. Students consistently…
Boy Scouts open to all February 26, 2014 Steven bond Staff Writer Changing history, openly gay Boy Scouts of America are now allowed within the organization. There have been a number of…
Violence in the Ukraine February 26, 2014 MOLLY FANNEY Staff Writer Fiery riots across Ukraine have been occurring for months, and have yet to reach their pinnacle. Prompted by a massive…
College persistent on retention February 26, 2014 MINDY BERTRAM Staff Writer At Virginia Wesleyan College, the administration has been working hard to plan an attack to raise the retention rates at…
Norfolk slated for outlet mall February 13, 2014 AOIFE BRANCO News Editor Nike, The North Face, Michael Kors. These are just some of the many designer brands that have outlets in Williamsburg….