Fertilization front-runner leads lecture October 3, 2013 KAITLYN DOZIER Editor-in-Chief Dr. Howard W. Jones, Jr., professor emeritus of obstetrics and gynecology at the Eastern Virginia Medical School, spoke on campus last…
Title IX: Addressing sexual misconduct September 23, 2013 JESSICA MACKEY Staff Writer Recent changes to Title IX mean important new information about sexual misconduct for students and faculty alike. It’s not just…
A bellhop, skip and a jump away from campus September 23, 2013 JESSICA MACKEY Staff Writer Due to limited housing space, students have had to adjust to living in the Lake Wright hotel off campus. Going…
The Grille is on FIRE September 4, 2013 BY AOIFE BRANCO NEWS EDITOR Amidst the torrents of rain and rumbles of thunder, students and staff in the Batten Center got an unexpected…
North Korea’s threats hit home April 18, 2013 Jessica Mackey Staff Writer Is it time to bring back the old time bunkers from the Cold War era? Are we back into a…
Fear the new, improved fish April 18, 2013 Alex Tatum Staff Writer For 10 years athletic events on campus have been made more spirited by our mascot, Bob Marlin. But this year,…
Extended roadwork, extended headache April 18, 2013 Steven bond Staff Writer Every person exiting our school by vehicle ends up on Wesleyan Drive. According to Vice President of Operations Bruce Vaughan,…
Symposium provides opportunities, connections April 18, 2013 Maria Marinelli Staff Writer Virginia Wesleyan’s Undergraduate Research Symposium will begin on Monday, Apr. 29 in the Pearce Hospitality Suite at 4:30 p.m. The…
Catholic Mass removed April 2, 2013 Steven bond Staff Writer and Olivia Burmingham Staff Writer Due to funding, time constraints and attendance, the tradition of Sunday Catholic Mass has been…
Sequestration nation April 2, 2013 Thomas Mills Photo Editor Governmental budget cuts threaten the Hampton Roads area, leaving Wesleyan worried about financial aid. First came the sequestration: a government…