50 Shades of Grey: Exposing the truth February 26, 2015 By Aoife Branco “‘You need to learn to manage my expectations. I am not a patient man. If you say you are going to…
And The Oscar Doesn’t Go To… February 12, 2015 By Michael Willson I have a deep appreciation for movies. Like most movie patrons, I love the Oscars. Every year I turn on the…
The New Razzle Dazzle February 12, 2015 By Taylor Boyd Standing in the cold, drenched from head to toe, and exhausted from the five-hour wait, you are there just to catch…
High Beam Lamplights February 12, 2015 By Jeffrey Crouch Many of you use the path with the surfboard next to it going to and from Village III. If you are…
The Past Still Defines Our Future February 12, 2015 By Douglas Hardman There’s a famous quote by Tennessee Williams: “The past keeps getting bigger and bigger at the future’s expense.” We are normally…
When Going Green isn’t Really Green February 12, 2015 Recommendations to distribute information and pay bills electronically instead of on paper come from all around. Companies’ websites and flyers say that “going paperless”…
The Land of The, Somewhat, Free December 4, 2014 By Shay Mills First things first. The recent legalization of gay marriage in select states has changed America for the better and made us…
Overused Usage December 4, 2014 We, the speakers of the English language, have a rich vocabulary of well over a quarter of a million words at our disposal. We even…
Step-By-Step: Revolution Rules December 4, 2014 By Douglas Hardman Want to avoid a future like “The Hunger Games” or “The Giver”? Want to prevent dictatorship and denial of all freedom?…
It’s the Most Controversial Time of the Year December 4, 2014 By Michael Willson December is the most stressful time of the year. There are finals and holiday events, and you have to try really…