Putting the pest to rest April 24, 2014 TAYLOR BOYD Staff Writer Spring is here! And with spring come the colorful flowers, the cleansing rain, the fresh green grass and all of…
The new age of news April 24, 2014 VICTORIA LAUGHLIN Staff Writer Internet news media is undeniably growing at a rapid pace. For this reason, I’m not surprised that this year’s “State…
He Said She Said April 24, 2014 Is it possible to find your soul-mate in college? HE: Do I want to find my soulmate and get married? Of course I do!…
Munchies for Marlins on the go April 24, 2014 MICHAEL WILLSON Staff Writer It is Saturday evening. You are hungry from a long day of shenanigans and you need food. Not just snacks…
Paid to play? April 24, 2014 CONNOR KING Staff Writer The National Collegiate Athletic Association faces mounting pressure from current and ex-student athletes to provide salaries for collegiate sports players….
Game-on with Gabe April 24, 2014 GABE HIGGINS Staff Writer What does April stand for in the sporting world? You may immediately think that the National Basketball Association (NBA) playoffs…
Bands and big batches of beans, beef April 24, 2014 TIM PEPPER Arts & Entertainment Music, chili and crowd surfing. And all for 18 bucks! What better way to spend an overcast Saturday? Richmond’s…
Chew! Chew! April 24, 2014 GLEN ROSE Staff Writer Are your final papers and exams starting to stress out you or your significant other? Well, I have a place…
Superhero movies still soar April 24, 2014 TROY AUBUT Staff Writer Nothing beats watching a superhero movie when you can do it with friends, do it for the eye candy, or…
Less money, more music April 24, 2014 ANDREW MULLEN Arts & Entertainment Editor Popular music-streaming site Spotify decreases cost of premium account for college students Digital music has become increasingly popular…