Letter to the Editor

As the President of the Student Government, I have been asking students all year, “What’s something SGA can help you fix?” Most times, I have been met with some very basic answers, many of which have avoided the question.

The Marlin Chronicle, with its recent article “Caf behind the counter: conditions concern students,” names this issue as something to be addressed, exactly filling the role SGA has been searching for all year. As the Student Government, our main purpose is to take student concerns to the administration and seek solutions that will ultimately correct issues and benefit the student body. This article indicates a good partnership: the Chronicle has pointed out something that needs to be worked on and the SGA has been able to investigate, hold meetings and work alongside Sodexo to bring about real change.

However, this process only works if the information and student concerns get to the SGA. Actually attending meetings, emailing SGA members and getting your opinions and concerns heard by the people who can address them (as SGA has worked with Tim to bring change in the past) is a much more expedient use of your time and words than registering your complaints solely with friends (trust me, I do it sometimes too). I ask that each reader here take the time to email me at nghipple@vwc.edu or put a suggestion in the Suggestion Box at the corner of Marlin Main Street and Boyd Boulevard – if you bring the concern to us, we will work to help resolve it!

Nicholas Hipple